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curl-6 said:
zeldaring said:

I mean is this even a opinion? when the resolution is so low the game loses so much detail and has a  vaseline filter. sure if your playing it on a handheld its not that bad but on a tz it looks horribel. If i show those pics to 100 humans i'm sure 100 will say red dead looks better now i'm just basing off this off the pics.

Which of the two looks better is absolutely an opinion. Just out of the few of us discussing it here in this thread, we have someone who says Xenoblade 3 looks better. It's likely many others out there feel the same way. Everybody perceives things differently.

Earlier in the thread you invoked your right to your own view in preferring RDR. The same applies to those that prefer Xenoblade 3.

Heh i don't this developer is really meh when it comes to making a great looking  open world games they go for massive scope over everything and everything suffers for it I think red dead, and BOTW does almost everything better graphically this doesn't have dynamic shadows which is so important in making a game like this to look good, the last thing DF said was meh  about it xenoblade 3  lol.