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curl-6 said:
zeldaring said:

Keep in my mind it's a low tier implementation that not very convincing thats why most people didn't even know it was even there. The developer who made the article about botw says they look complex but they are not and very efficient.

BOTW's GI solution is actually quite good by the standards of the hardware; you're not supposed to consciously "know it's there" but rather to see the end result which is objects being more naturally bedded into their surroundings. A simple but effective GI solution is better than not having one at all.

We can ultimately gauge which is more demanding out of the two games by comparing how they perform on the same hardware; Switch runs RDR at a fixed 1080p, but BOTW at a dynamic 900p. This is because BOTW pushes the system harder.

Yea thats a good point there i thought about that, but  honestly it just seems more like a early port and developer tools weren't developed as much, like switch should be powerful enough to run botw at 30fps/1080p. it does give a indication that's probably doing way more interms of maybe complex physics, since red dead is pretty barren like botw, it's a good point though. botw is dynamic 900p i thought it was locked