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Here is my main point of why you can't judge hardware with different games and engines from a developer.

BOTW's engine is considerably more advanced than Xenoblade X's. However, just because a game engine has a more advanced feature set, it doesn't automatically guarantee that hardware can run a less advanced engine better

Case in point, even though it's not as feature rich XBX still has a lot of processing pouring into the wildlife routines. You can also fly anywhere on the map at a greater speed than you can glide in BOTW. Geometry rendering and object elements drawn in far distances can occasionally be more complex in XBX. None of these things are feature rich, but they a cost all the same.

You can apply this also gtav and red dead each one is doing different things personally. I think GTAv is much higher level then all of them for obvious reasons.

Last edited by zeldaring - on 29 July 2024