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curl-6 said:
zeldaring said:

I'm pretty sure Red dead has it as well. all you have to is watch the 24 hours cycle just to see how impressive it is and they are techically faked unless using path tracing. you can watch 24 cycle hour cycle and keep on eye on the calcualtions red dead seems to be doing way more and the quality of the shadows are much higher and cleaner. Botw is a beautiful game as well but imo red dead at 1080p easily has it beat like i just played both  back to bacl to compare. rockstar are gods when it comes to graphics tech.

Pemalite would know better than me, but by eye I'm not seeing any global illumination or volumetric lighting in Red Dead; it's 7 years older than BOTW after all and these techniques weren't as commonly used back in 2010.

Keep in my mind it's a low tier implementation that not very convincing thats why most people didn't even know it was even there. The developer who made the article about botw says they look complex but they are not and very efficient.