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rapsuperstar31 said:

During his CNN appearance, Hoffman talked up Harris’s business credentials, saying “Vice President Harris is much more of the pro-business candidate than Trump and Vance,” and said Khan was “waging war on American business.”

On Wednesday, the New York Times reported that while Harris “remains a bit of an enigma in the business world,” one of her donors said she had privately “expressed skepticism of Ms Khan’s expansive view of antitrust powers.”

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) called Hoffman’s comments on Khan “not acceptable,” arguing again for the overturn of the Supreme Court’s 2010 decision in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, which drastically increased the scope of big money in politics. Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), who has called for breaking up Big Tech companies, also issued a statement supporting Khan.

Looks like Microsoft's feeling are still hurt from the FTC going after the Activision purchase. I'm all in on Harris, but I hate these big companies thinking they can buy whatever they want with their influence and donations.

Harris is an enigma in most "worlds", not just business. I think this is helping her because we're all able to project on her what we hope her positions will be on various issues, it's uniting in a way

For my perspective, she's part of an administration that has been more left domestically than I could ever imagine so it's not baseless to hope that Kamala can ignore corporatists and corporates interests. Hoffman can hope otherwise, it's not like he's got leverage giving the choices at hand, if you're not donating for Kamala, you're asking for a Trump 2nd term which is a recipe for "forever chaos" that no business wants. 

Speaking of Kamala and the hope she brings, her mild criticism of Israel earlier today is most welcomed and unexpected, AIPAC is a monster and I can see why she might have waited until after elections before she broke away from Biden's irrationality. Hoping for more after she wins. 

Labour just went against Labour friends of Israel (UK's mini AIPAC lol) and dropped objection to ICC arrest warrant for Netanyahu today despite the USA continuing to pressure them not to, suspending arm sales and unilaterally recognising a Palestinian state are on the table as well. Hopefully Kamala will give Netanyahu a lot more to cry over, enjoying his hissy fit today.