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Leynos said:

Do we consider the DS Zelda's to be 3D games or 2.5D-ish? Those were genuinely bad games. SS is a mess but it at least tried something new. Where TP is a boring game that was made to appeal to the "I want my Mature zelda" idiots and Wind Wakers poor sales. The game felt safe as it gets. A better Zelda game starring a wolf released that same year. Okami. Funny Okami ended up the best Zelda on Wii as well.

Can you try to act like a adult and not call people idiots for  a art style they prefer. Zelda is a franchise that started  out pretty much like dark souls on the nes which was dark, more realistic and gloomy, it switches styles alot, naturally some people were disappointed as everyone wanted realistic graphics back then.