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Farsala said:
EricHiggin said:

Sounds like you don't fully agree with me, but I think you actually do.

My point in general is the back and forth. One company does it, and if there's not much push back, the other follows soon enough, and the cycle continues.

Basically, I think MS increasing the price of Gamepass is not going to be a reaction to PS plus increasing.

MS will increase the price regardless, while Sony is more likely to be reactionary. However I don't think Sony increasing the price of PS Plus is likely in the same timeframe.

Ah I see. Well maybe, maybe not, but MS did say they wouldn't increase their hardware pricing like PS did, and did so in a manner that made SNY look bad. Yet plenty of people called BS on that, and then like 6 months later XB hardware pricing increased anyway. Maybe that was the MS plan all along, and maybe the nice guy approach didn't work for them and unit sales didn't increase like they'd hoped from goodwill, so they followed the SNY lead.