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curl-6 said:
zeldaring said:

I never said I know more then them but them not knowing how to tell the difference if the wiiu was 2x more powerful then 360 with modern features tells me that no one could look at a game and say we'll yea this more technically impressive unless the gap is massive, I think that proves my point.

As for the X stop using that as your only defense, it's sad. the game is lacking graphically and pointed out plenty of things even when people said yes ps2 models look better  that destroys your defense or when the city look like ps2 graphics also destroyed your defense cause it does have certain points where it looks horrible and I already stated sometimes it looks like a 7th gen game.

Nobody here is saying the Wii U is twice as powerful as the 360. Who are you even arguing with?

You're allowed to think X looks horrible, that's your opinion and you're entitled to it. But saying it has PS2/Wii/6th gen graphics is just untrue.

Well I clear the air I know it doesn'thave 6th gen graphics but when you have character models looking worse then ps2 and 2d grass and city looking crap yes it can make you think it looks like a 6th gen with out watching more footage.

As for DF I'm trying to tell you when they made xenoblade x video they thought the gpu was twice as powerful cause the specs weren't leaked and that goes for many other games so how can we take there word seriously and they did the same for x series saying it will have a huge advantage in multiplatform games because if the power advantage which proved false and just released a article of how ps5 is better designed that why it wins in multiplatform games.