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Chrkeller said:
zeldaring said:

This factually wrong, as PC player you should know that's a terrible  way to judge power and basically pure speculation to what your perfernce is. Just look at DF they are supposed to be experts yet could not tell The Wiiu GPU was actually 176Gflop instead Thought it was a more advanced GPU was suppose to be more then double the power, which was pretty clear it wasn't considering it lost to 360 in most multipltform games. They also embarresed themselves with the xbox x series article saying most multiplatform games would run better cause of the power diffrence then later this year just released a article that ps5 was designed better and thats why it runs games better. The Wiiu GPU is the same ATI/AMD TeraScale solution not all that different from R600 from 2007, and it was using 64bit DDR3 while the 360 had 128bit GDDR3 + those 10MB of edram. Really if a console is more powerfil in meaningful way  its gonna run most games better right from the start that wasn't the case with ps3, wiiu and x series cause they really werent at best they were on par and that's being nice.

@curl-6 you mention why DF found it impressive but they can't even tell the differnce between 176gflops GPU VS a way more advanced 352Gflops GPU so they should just stick multiplaform comparsions instead of there speculation.

The Wii U pulled off Breath, something the ps3 wouldn't touch.  Bayo 2 smashed Bayo 1. 

Having owned a Wii U, ps3 and Xbox 360...  dude, no doubt the Wii U had better fidelity output. 

I have owned all 3 and disagree. I found  GTAV more impressive then BOTW, the comparsion is also pretty bad with one doing a real life city with way more things going on and realistic graphics no one can look at the game tell which one is more demanding considering by most accounts 360/ps3 have better cpu's. As for bayo 1 vs 2 i don't get the comparsion cause one  came out 5 years later when plat had way more experiance with hd graphics, and graphics engines have become way more advanced like uncharted 3, halo 4, and gears 3 all smash the first games by a massive margin and bayo was never a show case for those systems.