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Leynos said:
curl-6 said:

I wasn't talking about the best looking games on a given system, those naturally come later once devs learn to maximise the technology, I was referring to the leap forward that usually comes at the start of a generation, where new hardware enables new levels of graphics never seen before. This was much less of a thing with the last generation transition, I agree, the first 9th gen game to really wow me was Hellblade II.

As for Switch, later games like Metroid Prime Remastered and Luigi's Mansion 3 look better than anything in its first two years.

And I never said PS4 wasn't a significant leap over PS3; it clearly was, it's just that the leap from Xbox/PS2 to PS3/360 was bigger in my eyes.

zeldaring said:

order 1886 came out in 2015 and looked like CGI it was a massive leap, it just wasn't the complete package. Honestly as we get older things become less impressive since we  seen graphics jumps so many times it just hard to blow your mind away. I owned a dreamcast and xbox and resident evil 4 blew me even though i played all the impressive games on xbox, same with seeing GT3 and MGS2 Despite having a dreamcast. I think art style and franchise you enjoys play a massive role as well.

The Order was very impressive visually and one of the 8th gen games that impressed me the most, I just found Gears in 2006 or Bioshock/Uncharted/COD4 in 2007 to be an even bigger jump.

And Gears is an actual game instead of an interactive cutscene.

It was extremely short game but it wasn't just a interactive cutscene, it showed what ps4 could do graphically and later games did surpass those graphics.