Pemalite said:
EricHiggin said:
How often does the US Prez get assassinated? It's rare enough to begin with.
There shouldn't be any assassinations, period.
1) Abraham Lincoln: Killed in 1865 by John Wilkes Booth at Ford's Theatre in Washington.
2) James Garfield: Shot in 1881 in Washington at a train station, and died of his wounds two and a half months later.
3) William McKinley: Assassinated in 1901 by an anarchist in Buffalo, New York.
4) John F. Kennedy: Lee Harvey Oswald shot Kennedy in 1963 in Dallas, Texas as the president rode in a motorcade.
Those who survived assasinations attempts:
1) Donald Trump just recently.
2) Ronald Reagan: He was shot in 1981 outside the Hilton Hotel in Washington but survived the attack.
3) President Gerald Ford: Survived two attempts on his life in less than three weeks in 1975 without being hurt.
4) Theodore Roosevelt: He was shot in the chest in 1912 while campaigning for elections in Milwaukee and survived.
Assassination plots/attempts:
1) Andrew Jackson in 1835: Richard Lawrence attempted to shoot Jackson outside the Capitol Building, but both of his pistols misfired.
2) Abraham Lincoln in 1864: A sniper's bullet passed through Lincoln's hat, narrowly missing his head, as he rode to the Soldiers' Home.
3) William Howard Taft in 1909: A plot to assassinate Taft in El Paso, Texas was foiled.
4) Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1933: Giuseppe Zangara fired shots at Roosevelt's car, missing the president-elect but fatally wounding Chicago Mayor Anton Cermak.
5) Harry S. Truman in 1950: Two Puerto Rican nationalists attempted to assassinate Truman at Blair House.
6) John F. Kennedy in 1960: Richard Pavlick planned to blow up Kennedy's car with explosives but abandoned the plot.
7) George H.W. Bush in 1993: A plot to assassinate Bush during his visit to Kuwait was foiled.
8) Bill Clinton in 1994: Francisco Martin Duran fired shots at the White House from outside the fence.
9) George W. Bush in 2005: A grenade was thrown at Bush during a speech in Tbilisi, Georgia, but failed to detonate.
And there are more. A lot more.
EricHiggin said:
With all the gun control we already have vs the past, how is this still happening? Just add more gun control? That's like saying just spend more money. Gun control doesn't mean anything in this case.
Gun control has proven to work. The USA doesn't have any real semblance of gun control.
Again. Factually. Gun control works. See: Australia. Also in Australia we have more guns post-gun control, than pre-gun control, but far far far fewer incidents... Which proves it works as the inverse should happen.
EricHiggin said:
If you've decided to try and take out leaders of the free world, you're going to need at least a gun, and no amount of gun control is going to stop that.
Except it does stop that. Again. See: Australia.
Before Gun control Australia had 13 mass shootings during the 18 years before it. That's an incident involving 4 or more casualties. Since? You do the math.
Gun-related homicide, suicide, accidents also took a corresponding plunge.
Losses in one area of injuries or deaths with gains in another doesn't count. You can't explain away racism like degrading a black person by pointing out you're not calling them the N word. Degrading is degrading. Crime is crime. Deaths are deaths.
Australia isn't America. What works in one place doesn't automatically work in another, and sometimes even backfires and makes things worse. Canadians have tons of unregistered guns, and we also have issues with leadership, but we don't shoot at them, we just honk our horns, and they freeze our bank accounts.
The fact you included plots tells me you're not serious. I mean we're really going to include everyone who's ever thought about killing someone else? Grenades aren't guns either. They also threw shoes at him. Does America need footwear control?