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curl-6 said:
zeldaring said:

For the most part those games weren't even huge success in Japan, so you can't really blame the US. When even in Japan their intended audience didn't even go crazy for it. I think for the most part these days a massive success in Japan will be a massive success ww as well.

We are talking some of the best games ever candidates and they hardly move the needle. Resident evil 4 remake considered to a remake of one the best games ever and a amazing remake not lighting at the charts at all, same with elden ring many consider one best game ever. Witcher 3 as well, the list goes On, with many genres.

A game being "one of the best ever" is a matter of opinion and taste, and is entirely subjective. None of the games you list are available on Switch which is Japan's preferred console; if you want to sell better in Japan you need to support the market leader.

Witcher 3 is also on Switch it did a staggering 53  million WW and in Japan only 1 million, and a game being the best game ever is a matter of opinion but  a game that's high quality isn't, but even if you try to cater to the audience they have such a extreme bias they won't give it a chance like the  360 was a amazing console that's tried everything to appeal to the market but nope as long as the company not Japanese or in the niche they like the chances are slim to none of success.