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It really depends on the perspective you want to bring to the table here.
3DS is my favorite console of those two generations because I only dabbled with a 360 during the 7th Gen and a GBA.
Therefore by default, having the ability to play DS games on my 3DS was a plus some of theost interesting things I missed. Also I liked the stuff I played on my WiiU mostly so no regret there.

Hum, but from the perspective of an historian and giving an outlook to the whole thing, I'd say the 7th Gen is the last real traditional one where we could see most console makers flourish with a multitude of original IPs being pushed, classics being formed for all of them and all that before practices of increasing monetization to their customer base really went in full motion and the focus shifting to tested IPs with homogenized RPG and gameplay mechanics, so the enshitification of gaming.

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