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Spindel said:
Torpoleon said:

@Spindel Where do you see Switch's final lifetime sales roughly ending at?

If the successor comes out this holiday, Q1 2025 or early Q2 2025 as rumored, I don’t think it will pass 150 M.

It's not coming this holiday, and Q1 2025 isn't guaranteed either. It's entirely possible it doesn't arrive until the second half of 2025.

Slownenberg said:

Remember sales of Switch have been quite poor for the past 12-18 months everywhere in the world other than Japan except for during the Mario movie / TotK boost which lasted a couple months last year. 

Switch sold over 15 million units last FY, that's hardly "quite poor".

I feel like people tend to judge the Switch's late life sales against it's historical highs, rather than against how most consoles perform at this age.