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Ryuu96 said:
LurkerJ said:

I am not surprised by the debate perfomance at all, but I am not only surprised, but also shocked how the liberal/left mainstream media reacted to the debate (most independent left-wing media has been in panic mode for a long time now).

Surely you were not expecting a fiery perfomance from Biden? surely you were not expecting a bump-free ride for 90 freaking minutes? are you really surprised or just acting surprised? This is how Biden has been whenever he wasn't reading from a teleprompter for a good while now, I am ok if you think he is fine to run again despite of this but I am really struggling to see where this overblown reaction coming from. I don't even necessarily blame Biden for this as much as I blame the DNC.

@RolStoppable; thanks, useful info to have.

They've been going on about his age for a year now, they feel vindicated and saying "SEE WE WERE RIGHT!" But none of them offer up any solutions, any ideas of who should replace Biden, it's easy to say "CHANGE" without knowing what the change is. It'll be a massive fucking gamble to change at this stage and just make the Dems look like they're in chaos as well.

If you read what I wrote earlier; I said the reaction is overblown, because even the most average of voters is aware of Biden’s cognitive decline

There was nothing new to see here in my opinion even if I believe agreeing to the debate was a mistake. The debate will not influence the outcome by as much as some believe it will, Biden was going into this election on shaky grounds either way!

There is a chance his stance on Gaza is more dis-enchanting to the young voter than this debate (TikTok is insanely popular among young Americans). 

Biden’s age and stamina have been an ongoing discussion, yes, but the overblown reaction is a complete breakaway from the usual “is he too old?”. Clips from CNN, MSNBC, and others, including Biden’s biggest defenders (morning Joe) discussing replacements is an entire shift in tone. 

As for solutions, I think the dems are 4 years too late asking this question.

If I was the DNC, I’d watch the video and ask myself “how can we do better next time?” not how we can barely win again in 4 years in the absence of a pandemic. But here we are