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LurkerJ said:
Machiavellian said:

Don't sweat it to much, if Trump gets elected then that is what America wants and they will get the full Monty of it.  I find that when people make bad decisions only living with those decisions hopefully helps them not make it again.  At the end of the day, I doubt anything of significance will change even if Trump gets reelected.  He will still be the idiot he has always been, probably screw some stuff up and make America look like clowns for 4 years or do something so stupid they really remove him from office.  As for myself, nothing really changed for myself under Trump in my day to day life because that is more state related and not federal.  

Trump is a different candidate now, the number of dictatorships who have vested interest in not only getting the guy elected but also keeping him in power is scary. It wouldn’t be as scary if Europe was an independent continent but independent we are not. 

Americans, I am sorry but you’re lame, I am sure even Trump is surprised he has this much support despite not getting anything done about anything he ran on. If they actually paid attention, Biden is delivering on those very same promises a lot more than Trump did.  

What I don’t understand is why Biden agreed to this stupid debate in the first place. Trump is Trump, no debate will change this or highlight his inadequacies to his  cult. Why bother? DNC incompetence is unfathomable.

As for Europe; It’s different there, the left is losing as a result of their own inaction and Starmer is only winning because…. who else are you going to vote for? Unlike Americans, brits seem to care that election promises were broken…. 

Biden obviously will shoulder some of the blame if he loses but imo he’s been doing great (although his stances on immigration and Gaza aren’t helping), but current Europeans leaders have only themselves to blame. 

The thing is what exactly can he do even if he wanted to be a dictator.  Think about it, America system isn't really designed to allow a president unfettered power because it is divided among the branches of the government.  In order for Trump to truly become a dictator, he would need total support from the house and Senate including the Supreme court.  The President powers are very well defined and even Executive orders can be challenged in court.  There will always be someone like Trump who rises to power, and the system needs check and balances to prepare for those situations to better prepare in the future.  So, in my opinion let him do his worse because if our system cannot meet and correct suck BS, a much smarter better person will definitely be able to do way more damage.  Outside of the President powers he would need to pass EO, every EO a president tries to pass that goes beyond his power can be challenged.  Only Congress can make laws and it still needs to pass both house and senate.  I am sure he could do some form of damage but lasting not so much and if those policies do not mesh with American in general, then house and senate seats are lose as we saw with his last term.  Things are a lot more nuance then him wanting to be a dictator and him actually being able to be one.