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In Ninja Theory's defence, this more of less launched the graphical benchmark for next gen and was used to show off the Xbox Series' power and create hype for the mahcine. It's value to MS exists beyond just isolate sales...

Now where it's sales are concerned, a game of this nature shouldn't be hyped and teased for 3 straight years as it's obviously going to be a relatively niche experience. Across all metrics I think interest just died over time because it's clear there isn't much to show beyond what we originally saw. None the less its clear MS hasn't curated an audience for this kind of experience and a game of this nature would do much better on Playstation. The asking price however would probably need to be closer to $40 because again it lacks the variety and scope seen in Playstation's efforts like Detroit etc

How is it doing on Gamepass? 

Last edited by Otter - 4 days ago