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The truth is the hero shooter MOBA genre is exteremly competitive and even the biggest companies are struggling. These games need to be near perfect in all aspects in order to float: gameplay, microtransactions, price, inventory management, pace, art direction, Lore. It is one of the most difficult genre to be successful in at the moment. Really zero to do with Nintendo but one thing is sure, there is not a single genre Nintendo entered without the intent and follow-through to succeed, in my memory of their entire and huge library over 40 years in the console business. So they get the benefit of the doubt for sure. If they were to make a game like this, as hard as it may be, they would succeed. The reason is that Nintendo has a very strict duty to release high-quality games, as their software quality reputation is what allows them the huge sales they enjoy. If they ruin that, they could be in trouble. It would be like Ferrari releasing a lame car, it would mess everything up. Sony doesn't have that level of expectation from its games since it entered as a non game-maker and made games of varying level of quality, though admittedly today their 1st-party games are of very high quality, they often publish games or even fund games that are of lower quality but that failure of which does not really have a significant impact on their brand power. Finally, Sony is much less 1st-party dependent than Nintendo, whose success almost entirely rests on their first party library. Chips in that foundation could ruin everything for them, they'll never let it happen.