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Pemalite said:
curl-6 said:

Samus's beam does seem to cast dynamic lights in the current footage, which judging by its 900p nature (as counted by multiple sources) can be assumed to be Switch 1 capture.

But yeah there's definitely room for this to be expanded upon with a generational leap in processing power, same goes for texture quality.

I wouldn't expect it to be a next gen showcase as a game that has its roots in circa 2015 mobile hardware, but still, it's an impressive feat in engineering and art design considering what they've managed to squeeze from such meagre specs, and I expect it will have a lot more room to breathe on successor hardware where they can greatly boost resolution and possibly also texture fidelity.

If we look at this screenshot that I grabbed from the trailer, we can literally see that weapons fire is not adding light to the scene, the ground and other materials remain their same shade.
This occurs all throughout the trailer and isn't a once off.

The reason it doesn't seem to be casting a light here is because the radius of the dynamic light doesn't reach as far as the objects around it; when it passes close over the metal barrier in the gif I posted, you can see that it lights it up:

To maintain performance they seem to have reduced the distance that the blasts cast light