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Just for fun, I did some cross-referencing and it turns out that, as of Prime Remastered, there are still 8 staff members from the original Metroid Prime working at Retro:

Shane Lewis (Testing on Prime, Lead QA Design Analyst on Remastered)
Ryan Powell (Artist on Prime, Environment Artist on Remastered)
Dax Pallotta (Animator)
Stephen Zafros (Animator)
Jim Gage (Engineer on Prime, Technology Engineer on Remastered)
Ryan Harris (Production Assistant on Prime, Director of Planning on Remastered)
Clark Wen (Audio Lead on Prime, Contract Sound Designer on Remastered)

Alex Quinones (Engineer on Prime, Gameplay Engineer on Remastered)

Since these folks were still actively working at Retro as of their last project, there's a very good chance some of them are also working on Prime 4; so while a lot of people will have come and gone at Retro since 2002, it's kinda cool that some of OG Prime guys remain after all this time and are likely bringing us Prime 4.

Last edited by curl-6 - on 22 June 2024