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Soundwave said:

This is the DOOM Eternal video:

Keep in mind this guys is a TECH head his whole channel is about performance, he is not really indicative of a regular gamer, but his videos are well laid out, he has his personal preferences, it's doesn't invalidate performance increases. 

Also keep in mind in the comments he says he didn't overclock the RAM, that significantly improves performance as well according to him. 

Docked goes from 28-30 fps to 45-60 FPS with the overclock. Of course you lose some resolution here, but this is the same with PS4 Pro quite often, even the PS5 has to go to lower resolutions to hit 50+ FPS, so I'm not sure why this is singled out as something for Switch only.

At 2:50 he goes to 30 fps but it increases the resolution "much higher resolution" according to him, game "looks significantly sharper".

At 5:10 he increases the resolution of undocked mode "game looks razor sharp, kind of insane". 

At 6:00 in or so he drops the resolution back to the standard undocked res, but now we see it is 55-60 fps instead of the previous 28-30 fps. He is testing according to him on "the most demanding level" in the game too and has some drops, but is also hitting 60. 

It's important to note here because I know you're going to try and twist these comments with bullshit, when he is saying 60 is blurrier he means relative to the artificially higher resolution he forced with the overclock. The resolution at 60 fps undocked is the STOCK resolution for undocked, so this is not a case of the game being forced into some different very low resolution to get 60 fps. This is the same resolution is has as stock settings, it just runs at 45-60 fps instead of 24-30 fps the normal Switch does.

He prefers the higher resolution, that's his personal preference, some people will prefer the higher frame rate. This is no different from plenty of PS4 Pro ports that also don't run locked at 60 fps in every case. 

At 9:20 he says the game is stable enough at 60 fps that he would play that way. At 9:55 "honestly it's awesome to play on the small screen at 60 fps, it's pretty impressive". 

Regarding battery life, he says what he gets in battery life in the Kingdom Come video:

Go to 9:30 in the video this section actually a great example, this game is the ultimate stress test for Switch, this rain section drops below 25 fps frequently even on a PS4 Pro (*Pro*). This is probably the most challenging impossible port on the Switch, as said even PS4 Pro struggles with this game. 

The Switch can hold near 30 fps in the rain section, again note even the PS4 Pro can't do that. At 9:45 he says he gets more than 3 hours battery life with the overclocks (I think in this one he did overclock the RAM too, he didn't do that for DOOM Eternal because he didn't know how at the time). 3+ hours is perfectly reasonable battery life, that's what the OG Switch gets playing BOTW with stock clocks. 

Lol now we're cherry picking one area In one game to prove to switch over clock magic this stuff is hilarious. It's not that difficult to see how much over clocking actually boosts hardware use the same settings and over clock and see how much boost you get it's that simple. These high clocks also will diffently shorten the life span of the switch everything you say is to be frank BS.

Last edited by zeldaring - on 19 June 2024