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Done with Redfall.

Not nearly as bad as people make it out to be or it simply has massively improved since launch.

Graphics are fine. Very clean looking game with a slight comic touch. Certainly sufficient.

Gunplay is fine but could be better.

Game is relatively light on content. Played through the main story and all available side quests in 13 hours. It's possible to do a more stealthy approach which should add to the play time quite a bit. On the other hand, if you're not playing solo, you might even be able to finish it faster.

Story didn't interest me all that much. You get short cutscenes at the beginning of a mission but during the missions there's little story telling going on, unless it's a mission where you fight a boss.

The game is made up of two large open world areas. It's not clear to me why you can't revisit the first area once you moved on to the second area. Weird decision.

In the end it's a decent game which is probably better played in co-op.
