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Since Intelligent System has their hands probably tied to the Fire Emblem and Paper Mario franchises, I do think the responsibility of the new M&L game is not theirs. However we do know they have a bunch of employees that went there after the closure of Alphadreams.

Actually, we know studios like Monolith Soft and IILCA have ex-director/writers for the series there.
Meantime, the main EPD absorbed a partial amount of ex-employee a too.

I know people have been speculating that the animations would lend credence that this is a work from Next Level Game, which isn't a bad guess too.

For all intent and purpose, it could be just a new internal team Nintendo has built with ex-Alphadream employees in mind.

Could also be a collaborative project between all the studios I've mentioned. Like aspects are being worked by an internal team but with the assistance of both Monolith Soft and NGL for different technical aspects.

Anyway, it won't be before we get the credits in front of us that we will know ...

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