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Soundwave said:
zeldaring said:

This is the reason i won't buy a switch cause i do believe what you are saying they are most anti consumer company and i expect switch to be gimped as well with 8nm and extremely under clocked c so nintendo can do the same in the future lol. it doesn't matter just count on Nintendo to release  weak official hardware like the switch. 

It's neither here nor there. 

COVID was a freak event that entirely changed the world and for Switch's product cycle, radically altered it. They probably figured to protect against a Wii-like 2nd half of the product cycle collapse they would need a Pro model, that was the initial plan circa 2017/2018. It just turned out by very random happenstance that it actually wasn't needed. 

Switch 2 is unlikely to have that same thing happen for it, so Switch 2 will have to likely have an actual Switch 2 Pro next time. You're not going to have an artificial massive boost for 2+ years with almost no major software released like the Switch did. Even the PS4/XB1 didn't really benefit much from COVID because it came too late in those product cycles, Switch was at the perfect age (only 3 years old) to make massive hay with it. It's like the difference between winning the lottery at age 30 instead of 75 ... at age 30 you can do a lot more with that windfall. 

Don't really care for excuses you make to defend your beloved company if the hardware was held back for no good reason which in reality wouldn't have made a difference, it's a shitty move by nintedno and really shows how crappy of a company they are.