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Soundwave said:
zeldaring said:

I think the handheld crowd is different crowd I mean switch was pathetic compares to ps4 but still beat it in sales, and gameboy was pathetic compared to super nes but still destroyed in sales. The handheld market is very big with casuals that just want something to play on the go.

There's nothing "pathetic" about the "handheld crowd", but you love to throw in bullshit like that into your arguments. Only tech nerds think that way and poeple like that are a small minority of the market that talk a lot on message boards and then don't back up their bullshit by actually showing up to buy "tech showcase" games. 

Y'all talk a big game, but you don't show up for shit. 

If I'm a publisher I can't rely on no-shows like that, I have to make a game that supports a wide variety of hardware these days, it's the only reasonable way to make money when my budgets are going up by double, triple, etc. I'm not passing on like say the XBox Series S just to appease that lame duck audience. 

When i say. pathetic I'm talking about the hardware compared to home consoles. You keep hating on people that like perfomance and graphics by calling them old farts yet you have wet dreams about powerful Nintendo hardware well guess what of course anyone that loves gaming and doesn't like playing on the go would love those things especially of they are gaming 20 hours a week.