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They posted quite a good show if your intention was to see how many games they could pull up in more than an hour.
It clearly has "Here's pratically all of our cards for the next few years" written over it, considering the rumors they want this current generation over fast.
Only real problems I'd see here is basically their usual non-commitment in showing us release dates and CGI/In-game rendered scenes. Like I'm sorry but Perfect Dark isn't gonna be close to what we watched of the trailer.
But hey, it's understandable once you understand they wanted to show their whole catalog and not just what to expect of the near future, like Nintendo or Sony do nowadays.

On a personal note, never been much into most of the catalog they presented here but I understand how great it might be for some.

Expedition 33, Doom The Dark Ages and the mecha game were my favorite shown here.

Also, wtf with the 309GB for COD BO6 ?!!! Compress your games Activision !

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