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The next Sonic (and Shadow) game just got 9 minutes of gameplay footage, showing all three gameplay styles.

Here's the video:

My thoughts:

Shadow - It looks like they went for Sonic Adventure gameplay style, and that's a good thing. Shadow is not just a "Sonic clone", he has his own abilities, and so far I can't see anything that would be labeled as "bad". You can see he fighting Biolizard from Sonic Adventure 2 and I'm not sure if I saw Westopolis from Shadow the Hedgehog, maybe someone else can say for sure.

Classic Sonic and Modern Sonic - Well, it seems like the same base game from PS3 and 360, but now with revamped graphics. One of my worries was that they wouldn't change anything at all, and it looks like that's the case. Maybe they will add some surprises like extra levels, since we had more Sonic games after Generations, but I wouldn't hold my breath.

So far so good. I'm most likely getting this game, even if only for Shadow's campaign.