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I used to platinum games on a friend's account because we always played together in his home back in the PS3 era as I only got mine mid 2013, but I'll only list the ones on my account for the sake of it.

I will use a tier list based rating, so I don't take too long with actual scores, and it'll mostly be based on how much I enjoy owing that trophy

The list goes like this: S, A, B, C and D, so no F for platinums.

The order is the order the games currently appear on my trophy list:

1. Assassin's Creed 2 (C)
The first platinum on my account, liked the game but got it exactly only to have a platinum on my account because I always only got them on my friend's account as mentioned.

2. Demon's Souls (S)
I was so ashamed I got only a platinum for the sake of it on my account that I decided to get the hardest one I could to balance it, and that was an amazing decision as that made me truly fall in love with the Souls series.

3. Red Dead Redemption (A)
Amazing game, but I got the platinum far too late, and it demands online play, by the time the game was almost dead online with but a few souls and some hackers, that plus my ridicously slow internet connection made it truly nearly impossible to get, I love having it but not only because of the amazing game itself.

4. Dark Soul 2 (A)
I love this game, people make it no justice, it's amazing, but I also truly hate the existence of Darklurker with all my being and I hope to not see it again ever.

5. Guacamelee! (B)
Really fun little game, have some challenge too, but not really one of the most memorable ones here.

6. Okami HD (B)
Excellent game, had a lot of fun with it, really a gem from its time, but I don't give the platinum itself that much weight.

7. Bloodborne (S)
The Chalice Dungeons prevented me from giving this awesome game a 10/10 back then, but the S tier here they will not, lol.

8. Nioh (S)
One of the games I've hyped the most and still delivered all I wanted, the platinum was one of the most gratifying ones I've ever got.

9. Dark Souls (A)
Between the masterpiece that is Demon's Souls and the very fun game that is Dark Souls 2, unlike most people I don't feel THAT much for this game, it's excellent and had peak level design, but it's honestly not the one most on my mind.

10. Persona 5 (S)
Basically a love letter in form of videogame, still the best JRPG since it released. Loved every second of it and that includes the platinum.

11. Undertale (D)
Very amusing, oozes charm and have on hell of an amazing OST, but the platinum itself is also a joke on trophy hunters so... yeah, lol.

12. Terraria (S)
Please go play Terraria if you didn't. But getting this platinum will take a LOT of time, so good luck, lol. Very proud of it.

13. Lords of the Fallen (D)
Very mediocre game, probably the most broken modern game I've played, was in the hype for Soulslike games and back then it was not that common, so... I went for it. Game has some SICK armors but that's mostly it, lol.

14. Nier Automata (A)
Excellent game, one of the best from 8th gen without a doubt, but the platinum is not really part of that.

15. Dante's Inferno (C)
Decent God of War inspired game, but gets very frustating towards the end and specially if you go for the platinum, do not recommend doing it yourself.

16. Hotline Miami (B)
Nice game, does not have very good controls IMO, and getting in an argument about the game controls and being told it was my fault was the actual reason I went for the platinum, lol.

17. Brutal Legend (C)
Very good music, there is fun to be had there but the game is really quite bland all things considered. Also involved online play for the platinum and I got it when the game was dead so I had to find random people online to coordinate play hours across the globe for it, fun to remember but actually really frustating to do.

18. Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy 13 (C)
Decent game, not really a hard platinum too, but I really feel like it's quite forgetable in my trophy list.

19. Drag-on Dragoon 3 (D)
Best known as Drakengard 3, so why did not just call it that? Well, because apart from being a game related to Nier, it having Dragoon on its name was the other reason I even played it to begin with, lol.
By far the most frustating platinum I've ever get. And I really mean it. The last ending is a 8 minute song minigame where you can't fail and the game is design to troll you every way possible to prevent you from completing it, including purporsedly screwing the camera and even blacking it out to mess you, and also even PUTTING HIDDEN NOTES TO PRESS DURING DIALOGUE AFTER IT PRETENDS YOU COMPLETED IT. Even using a youtube video to time the button press during the whole thing and forgetting the game itself was not easy, lol.

20. God of War [4] (S)
One of the very best games I've played, had a good bunch to stuff to make wanting to get the platinum not boring and the Valkiries challenges were really hard, loved it.

21. The Last of Us (A)
Also one of the best games ever, the platinum involving playing on harder difficulties made the game even better years after I first played it, and the online multiplayer was fun... but the requiriments of the online trophies were not really that much fun. Also like RDR playing it with an atrocious internet connect did not help it, but even as the game was still quite alive by that time my Dualshock 3 had gone into a massive drift issue and it was just unplayable, so I had to play it with the Dualshock 4 cabled and very carefully so it wouldn't disconnet with rage bursts lol. I love having this platinum, on that alone it is a S, but I did have quite a bit of frustation when I went online, not because of the multiplayer, but my issues with hardware and the actual requirements to unlock them, having to max my group twice because of the two factions could be fun if not a requirement for the trophy because it takes too much time and you CAN screw it over and have to restart it too.

22. The Liar Princess and the Blind Prince (D)
Fun little game, was having fun and the platinum was easy so I got it, but not memorable at all.

23. Night in the Woods (C)
Pretty much the same as above, but better. You play as a cat so it gets free points too.

24. Hotline Miami 2 (B)
As I had gotten the platinum for the first one I got somewhat decent on it, so I went for the platinum here too.

25. Horizon Zero Dawn (A)
Excellent game, one of the best story build ups and enemy designs ever, it's one of the defining games of the 8th IMO, not particularly because of the trophy tho.

26. Ghost of Tsushima (S)
This game is just so good, didn't want to put it down at all, the platinum was just a consequence of that, really the most surpring game to grace the 8th gen when it was supposed to time to be moving to the next.

27. The Last of Us Part II (S)
Still the most impressive game together with RDR2 to me, 9th gen didn't come close to surprise me that much yet. The game itselt, like the original, is a complete masterpiece, but on this one, with the lack of online trophies and the inclusion of a permadeath run (which I usually HATE, but as you don't have to do it on hard setting was actually quite a nice one of a kind experience to me) and the actual game being a lot meatier than the original made the platinum way more exciting here.

28. The Last Guardian (C)
I love Trico, quite a lot actually, but I really DO NOT love this game movementation and physics, for every thing is does really right it also frustated me in the go, and the platinum hunt potentialized that frustation quite a bit, sadly.

29. Astro's Playroom (B)
Very, very fun little game, full of stuff that made me feel very good and smile a lot, also one of the games that used the Dualsense the best and it's a free game!
No The Legend of Dragoon cameo was really, really sad to, still can't understand why.
Astro Bot better fix that. And I mean it.

30. The Legend of Dragoon (SSS)
The best game ever made.
I both love Sony for making it and hate Sony for trying to forget it even existed, as noted once more in the game above.
When it released digitally in the PS Store Brazil back in 2014 it was what drove me to actually buy digital games at all, as it was the first digital game I've ever bought. I did not have a credit card back then and to this day PSN emails come in a par, one with my name and one with the name of my brother because I registered his credit card for the first time on my account, used it to buy games and paid him physically with money for the games, even after I changed it back in the PS3 setting times and times over, and even after I have been using my own credit card for many years, one of the emails I get still comes with my brother's name, lol.
Anyway, that purchase back in 2014 on the PS Store Brazil was carried over in the PS4 and PS5 versions of the game and I got the updated version with trophies for free on day one.
The trophy itself is almost unlocked by simply completing the game and its very easy to get the not mandatory stuff, but having this platinum trophy is just priceless to me.
If PSN classics had trophies back in the PS3 when it was not mandatory to have platinums, it would certainly not have one either.
I actually took a lot longer to get it because the game was broken on launch, turning into dragoons would freeze and softlock the game in the end of the battle, which did not take long to be patched, to my surprise actually, but this few days it took to get the patch were enough reach a very bad couple of events with my personal life and health issues that put me down bad and basically completely away from gaming for months, but I eventually got it!

31. Horizon 2 Forbidden West (A)
Very good game, purely as a game its better then the first everywhere but the story and side characters, which also had a very good base but did not get executed nearly as well.

32. God of War Ragnarok (S)
Another banger, this series is just ridiculously good, and up until now it's the best of the few PS5 games I've played.
Getting the platinum felt a bit easier, maybe because I played it on 60fps instead of 30fps from the game before, also had some very hard challenges like the other, but as a sequel it does deliver more to the combat which gives the player more chance to adapt and overcome.

33. Genshin Impact (A)
Easily the game I've spent the most time on ever, sadly there is not clock to count the hours in game, which sits at 650 hours on my PS5 but was easily twice over that on PC/phone before I moved over to the PS5.
Even as I've dropped the game twice for a couple of mounts (basically a whole year the last time, starting with the stuff I mentioned in the LoD section but I did not come back to it until considerably later too), the game is amazing, it has some excellent lore and top tier characters and story arcs, was it not a gacha game it would be loved SO MUCH more.
About the trophy, it's actually extremely outdated by now, and the game was updates several times over and had several additional trophy lists after the platinum, but even so, even as there are some real time consuming trophies, not tied to the platinum tho, the game is massive and most of the trophies are bound to just playing the main stories and exploring the nations as they are added, so nothing truly special on that front.

Last edited by BraLoD - on 01 June 2024