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zeldaring said:
Soundwave said:

PS4 version of Witcher 3 has frame drops so does DOOM Eternal so does Fortnite so does Cities Skylines ... didn't stop any of those games from coming to the Switch 1, which is a harder gap to cross IMO. 

You realize this is a business right before it is anything else? Not like a hobby-ist club for frame rate enthusiasts? Those nerds are like 0.0000001% of the market. The Monster Hunter audience on the Switch is 8+ million buyers. Do the math here. 

I know it's a busniess but Capcom didn't bring world to switch keep that in mind. Not saying it won't happen but it's 50/50.

They had a deal with Sony to keep it off the Switch (they also paid to keep if off PC for longer), so they made Rise instead, that won't be the case this time. The odds are a lot higher than 50/50. 

Unfortunately for Sony their BS tactics don't really work anymore as no one wants to do exclusive deals like that anymore. They took advantage of a period when Nintendo was weak coming off the Wii U and the 3DS sputtering out, not the case today.