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Steve Jobs was the first to present the concept of retina display when he showed the iPhone 4. It is when the number of pixels is high enough so that our eye does not notice that the image is made up of pixels. It is what makes the image perfectly defined since our eye is unable to see beyond it.

They calculated that 300 pixels per inch is the maximum that our retina can see at the distance at which we usually have the smartphone. That is the retina point for the smartphone.

But on a television the retina point changes, because televisions have very variable sizes and are viewed at very variable distances, while smartphones are much more homogeneous in size and are viewed at a much more homogeneous distance.

The most common distance at which we watch the television is 3 meters. At that distance, 4k is a waste even with a 70-inch screen because the human eye cannot see that much definition; You would have to stand five feet away so your eye can see it.

1080p is optimal on a 70-inch screen from 3 meters away. And 720p is optimal on a normal-sized screen from 3 meters away.

And now let's move on to the commercial aspect. When the customer goes to the store they find a 70-inch 4k screen. The client observes it from a distance of one meter. At that distance the human eye does see the definition. And the customer decides to buy it without knowing that when he gets home and sees it from several meters away, 1080p would have been ideal.

And now let's move on to the world of consoles. What they have created for games is a false 4k. They have done it because they know that the world is full of idiots and that with the claim of 4k they are going to sell them more. And because they know that the human eye is not capable of noticing the difference between a true 4k and a fake 4k (you won't notice it unless you are a crazy person who buys a 70-inch screen and places it one meter away to play).

The only area where 4k can make sense is in the world of PC gaming because we normally stand 1 meter away from the screen. But even here 4k also has drawbacks. And the image defects that are not noticeable in a 1080p resolution are noticeable in a 4k resolution. Gamers with brains prefer the performance, response speed and image quality of 1080p.

Regarding the price aspect, I will only say that I live in the 36th richest country in the world in GDP (PPP) per capita and here the most common salary is the minimum wage. There's no point in spending money on stupid things.

Finally there is the key aspect: the player. The player always seeks the best possible experience. And he knows that this is not achieved with higher pixel rates. But with the game itself.

An example of this is Roblox. Roblox has PS2 graphics, but it has millions of active users every month, right now it is worth 25 billion, and at its peak it was worth more than BMW or what Microsoft paid for Activision.