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curl-6 said:
Chrkeller said:

Specs comparisons aside, at least the S2 will have a compelling lineup unlike the Xbox.

Pretty much; all the specs in the world can't save you if you don't have great games.

On the flipside, as the Switch has demonstrated, you don't need high end specs if the software is killer.

For everything that's going in this thread about the debate over the hardware itself and how it'll stack up to consoles and PC in the futures, that's always the main sticking point being ignored.

Most likely, Nintendo judged consciously that this was the base of their needs for the next hardware/software evolution.

Their games will be made with these capabilities in mind. They could shoot for the moon but hey don't because as proven with the Switch, it's not an absolute necessity when working on games. Even moreso when you look at the industry lamentable state about the layoffs and the increase in costs of production it's going through.

Nintendo is not ignorant of those factors and will want to continue on their strategy of selling different grades of software to reach the biggest public possible. 

Anywoo, a delay into 2025 for the Switch successor has nothing catastrophic as to the impact it'll have on it's sales because of said "outdated-ness", when it's done in service to actually get the games ready for the time it releases. The games will sell the console, not the other way around. As it usually is in the end.

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