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There's a lot overthinking in here.

Head count in the industry massively expanded over the last several years. While we've seen a lot of news of layoffs in the last 18 months or so, I don't think the industry is substantially smaller (by head count) than it was pre-covid. It's a pretty normal cycle. Things are good, companies hire a lot. Things slow down, companies fire a lot.

If you don't want to see cycles of heavy layoffs, you'd have to give up those hiring cycles that come before them. And that's no good for anyone. Companies took a lot of risk by adding headcount and acquiring studios. Some of that risk paid off, some of it did not. And the stuff that has not paid off has to be cut to make room for future investments.  I've seen no evidence that any of these companies have done anything wrong. It's all normal, and (arguably) healthy.  

With that said, we can certainly feel bad for workers that have lost their jobs. On an individual level, loss of a job is often a very big deal.  

Last edited by VAMatt - on 13 May 2024