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sc94597 said:
zeldaring said:

I think the point is for the people that actually care about power been expecting to see the switch pro with these specs years ago, no one in their  right mind expected 10-12 teraflop console in 2018-2019 and people were actually very happy about the specs of ps5 and series x when revealed. we been hearing rumors of a pro with a T239 and expecting in late 2022, it was basically all but confirmed by sources.

Let's not pretend you were expecting a T239 system in late 2022 when last year in 2023 you were posting stuff like this.

zeldaring said:

I doubt they go with nvda again. Nintendo only went with nvda cause Nintendo got a mind blowing deal on the switch chip set cause they were basically useless for nvda .  I honestly don't see Nintendo going with anything cutting edge cause they never do.

My prediction was right though a t239 in 2023 would have been cutting edge and they did not release it and now it's mid 2025 lol. Ill say this is ps6 released with ps5 slightly better specs in 2029 it would get shat on by sony fans.

Last edited by zeldaring - on 12 May 2024