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Kyuu said:
curl-6 said:

I don't think timed exclusivity will be enough to compel many people to buy a console; if they know the games will eventually come to PS5, they'll buy that instead.

Releasing on PC is fine, some folks just prefer consoles and will never become PC gamers, the problem is that if you're in the market for a console there's little reason to choose Xbox any more.

Timed exclusivity against PC also makes sense for both the platform holder and the 3rd party publisher. If Sony starts mimicking Microsoft's PC support and release all their games day 1 on PC, PS5's sales would definitely decline just like Xbox One and Series XS.

It's true that "some" folks won't leave consoles anytime soon. But PC does appeal to a lot console gamers. There are millions of PC gamers who switched from consoles. Sony's PC support is slightly accelerating this, and a day and date support would accelerate it further. Nintendo refuses to support PC because they know it would hurt their console sales too. Modern PC is just too similar to modern consoles.

I feel like sharing releases with PS hurts MS a lot more than sharing it with PC due to the fact that PC as a platform can be intimidating to those who prefer the convenience of a console.

I have a gaming laptop for instance, but I only really use it to play stuff like Age of Empires, while most multiplats I still play on PS5 and Switch, just cos messing around with settings, drivers, etc is a pain in the arse I can't be bothered with. The barrier to entry is just that much higher on PC, especially in terms of cost if you want to play the latest AAA releases these days.

PS5 competes with Xbox a lot more directly than PC does; while their games being day 1 on PC has definitely weakened Xbox, the threat of all their first party games coming to other consoles is a much greater potential blow, one I expect will be fatal if they go down that road.

Last edited by curl-6 - on 24 April 2024