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Jumpin said:
HoloDust said:

Honestly, while knowing that "Dumb & Dumber" were tasked to make the show, I was under impression that they will stick to the books - after all, when they're working close to source material, they can make for quite good TV (as Game of Thrones early seasons have shown), but when they go on with their own ideas, it's usually a mess (as Game of Thrones later seasons proved).

Now I understand why they had to do what they did - Liu Cixin style of writing is more akin to Asimov, and that is not what modern mass market TV audience connects with (look what Apple did with Foundation, which is one of THE sci-fi classic), but I never suspected that it would be as bad as it turned out to be.

As for Fallout, I even recommended it just few days ago over a dinner to few folks who asked me about it - they have no clue what Fallout is, so they would be coming in with no baggage, and will probably enjoy it, since there is plenty of good stuff in it.

But for me, who despises what Bethesda did to Fallout, Amazon's show is just an over-saturated reminder of that.

Nah...but I do subscribe to Sturgeon's Revelation - "90% of everything is crap".