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I think Avatar: The Last Airbender is an easy answer. Pick your avatar (in design, where they start out/what element they start out with, personality traits, etc). The game makes the element that is opposite your personality the "hardest" part of the game, but it's open world. Finding avatar shrines is how you unlock new moves for your elements, and leveling up is how you can spend points on learning moves. Puzzles based on elements that you have, which means sometimes backtracking once you unlock others. Idk, it all seems so simple that I can't believe it hasn't been done before.

Outside of that franchise, I think The Matrix is a good one. Path of Neo was fun and the Unreal Engine demo was interesting...but nothing that really wowed me gameplay wise. I think Fast and Furious could make for an interesting game, given how farfetched and over the top the series is.

Last one would be the Stargate franchise. I think that one could work really well in the modern day and age. Multiple universes/planets to explore, alien creatures, lots of different weapons, varied environments, and there is a boatload of story content that can be used. But I'm biased towards this franchise so....