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Futurama and The Simpsons both could use RPGs.

Honestly, though, I still have an overall jaundiced view on outside licenses. The Ninja Turtles games and The Simpsons Arcade Game were fun. That's about the limit of my tolerance for licenses. 

Star Trek never had any really good video games. Instead, games like Starflight and No Man's Sky captured the spirit of Star Trek without being encumbered by a license.  Ditto with Aliens. There have been some decent Alien games, but Metroid did a far better job of conveying the spirit of Alien in video game form than any actual Alien game ever did or likely will.  We have a whole body of RPGs out there that didn't need the Tolkien estate's permission to make them awesome. 

Last edited by SanAndreasX - on 11 April 2024