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Chrkeller said:
curl-6 said:

Not every game needs to be AAA, and there's nothing wrong with a game lasting 8 hours.

I'll take a well crafted 8 hour experience over a 50-100 hour game full of padding any day. Hellblade 1 was like 5 hours long and it was one of my favourite games of last gen.

I agree 100%, game length is a terrible metric.  50 hours of crap is still crap.  But 30 fps max is crazy.  30 fps needs to die in a burning inferno.  

You're saying this as someone who plays primarily PC. It's like a PS5 owner going back to their switch and saying it's crazy Tears of the Kindgom is only 900p30fps. 30fps is still totally acceptable to the the vast majority of the console demographic which is why Sony has set it as the default in most of it's AAA PS5 releases (Miles Morales, Ratchet, Spiderman 2, Horizon). They also have a lot more user data research and feedback than what twitter & forum discourse provide you. 

Personally none of my friends who aren't on forums ever mention framerate aside from when games obviously can't runs stably (think Elden Ring).

Even on Xbox, once starfield released, I didn't hear anyone crying about its framerate once they actually dug into the experience. Instead the complaints targeted the actual gameplay and it's still Bethesda's fastest selling title. A stable 30fps vs 60fps will never break or make a single player game for the general console consumer

Last edited by Otter - on 10 April 2024