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Conina said:
curl-6 said:

Even in current TVs 120Hz isn't universal, a big share of the console audience is still playing on 60Hz panels, hence why not that many games on current gen have a dedicated 40fps mode.
Would it be nice to have? Of course.
But given most players probably don't have the hardware for it and that 30fps gives more headroom for fidelity and consistency anyway, I can understand Ninja Theory's decision to stick with the traditional target of 30 instead.

We don't know if most players of the target group (Xbox Series X owners) don't have a 120Hz TV.
Most Series S gamers probably still have 60 Hz TVs, but I doubt that it is the same for the majority of Series X gamers.

Many Xbox games have a performance mode only for the X-model... this could be 40 fps if 60 fps ain't possible.

The 30 fps-mode would then be for Series S and for the fidelity mode on Series X.

curl-6 said:

They're already pushing UE5 and the Xbox Series pretty hard, the extra work needed to get it all running at a locked 40fps may simply not have been deemed worth the payoff.

Two different presets ain't that complicated. Any UE5 game can scale.

Series X isn't some super niche $800 box reserved for only the most techy/hardcore gamers, it's simply the 4k option, and 4k was actually the resolution of most American TVs by 2020. Again this is just to say people are not necessarily buying Series X based of a 120hrz promise or anything. Most will simply be buying it to make the most of the 4k60hrz TV they already have... Same with the PS5 which is the same price tag/performance profile of X

Of course regardless of what the current numbers are, the numbers of 120hz users will only increase as the generation goes on so devs would be good to consider it as it will become the default for 4k TVs in the next years or so.

Last edited by Otter - on 09 April 2024