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On the topic of horseshoe theory.
I do see factions of leftists making puritanical arguments against the sexual revolution all the time. Even wanting to get sex, nudity, and romance out of media. So, I absolutely believe in horseshoe theory and consider all of these puritanical factions to be ideological enemies of freedom of expression.

If Paul Verhoeven-like films aren’t being made anymore, then there’s a problem. His films have always been controversial, but that was the beauty of the 80s and 90s - controversial media was permitted, and widely distributed without having to worry about being extinguished by the puritanical movements. Now even streaming services are falling victim.

I don’t generally fashion myself a slippery slope thinker, so five to ten years down the road, I don’t want to ask the question of how long until new films featuring nudity and sex will only be viewable on sites like pornhub?

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.