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So after 15hrs my initial impressions of DD2 are;

+ In terms of lasting legacy in the RPG space, nothing is really going to come close to Skyrim, but in terms of rewarded the player for just running off in a random direction or exploring nothing has come even close to Skyrim as this game has. The sense of discovery is incredible. Just now I ventured into the royal castle to explore and found a lift, for some reason I didn’t try to activate it but instead proceeded to spend the next 30m (and dying once) climbing to the top whilst avoiding holes in the stairs; my reward? An (reusable) item that shows wakestone shards on the map. 

/ Performance issues aren’t a massive detriment to the overall experience, possibly due to me playing on a VRR display but it’s not game breaking. Hoping for a performance patch tho, 60fps/noRT 

- I’ve complained about it before but the lack of quest markers combined with very limited fast travel items really is concerning. There’s ox carts that can take you places but when they’re destroyed 5m into the ride that doesn’t help. I’m hoping for an eternal ferrystone just like DDDA added and a re-balancing of the economy, haircuts shouldn’t cost 10k gold when a full character creation cost 500rc. 

I do have a few smaller complaints that aren’t worth mentioning. Overall, tho, it’s very much a sequel to DD and that’s ok, even if at times it feels like CC played it very safe. 

Ride The Chariot || Games Complete ‘24 Edition