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They included one of all the MTX in the deluxe edition bundle except the port crystal, that’s fine ….except they’re extremely rare (and I assume limited) in the actual game. Not a problem, just walk everywhere…. Except quest givers can die in the open world. Not a problem just go to the quests when you see em… except …. There isn’t any quest markers, quest givers will come up to you … when you walk right next to them … in an open world RPG … just no Capcom, that’s such a fucking dumb design decision. On top of sphinx riddles that are one and done, you fail well .. NG+ including such gems as carry a vase across map but if it breaks .. NG+ … this game is a completionists nightmare 

Last edited by VersusEvil - on 22 March 2024

Ride The Chariot || Games Complete ‘24 Edition