EspadaGrim said:
I know that Xbox is behind PlayStation in sales but that whole "Xbox players would not have bought it anyway" argument is stupid when there are other Japanese studios thriving while releasing all their big games wherever they can, there is a reason why Capcom is in a higher position in comparison to Sqeenix. Then you also have Sega putting their 1st party games on Xbox the majority of which are franchises smaller than FF. FF7 Remake was literally their break glass in case of emergency game and they sold it to PlayStation how are you going to grow your #1 IP and flagship franchise when you limit it to one Platform, maybe the Sony money was too good to ignore but I doubt it. |
It was more aimed at Square Enix other than the other Japanese studios. Capcom, Sega, Konami, From etc have all earned their fan bases on Xbox. Square just give the Xbox urchings whatever scrap ends they don’t have need for anymore.
Ride The Chariot | ‘25 Completed