sundin13 said:
Some of the BS gets shot down, but plenty of other BS gets through. The Supreme Court and other Federal Courts have not been shy about just inventing things to get what they want. The recent case in Alabama regarding IVF is one example of the courts just making things up to give themselves what they want. In Alabama there is a recent law which made it a homicide to kill an unborn child in utero in any stage of development, regardless of viability. The Judge decided to just take the "regardless of viability" part of that law, attach it arbitrarily to a completely separate civil law, but remove the "in utero" wording. This should clearly be Judicial malpractice, as it is pure nonsense, and this type of nonsense ruling has been extremely common recently. There are times when some Republican judges show restraint and decide not to destroy major portions of our government, but I wouldn't bet on their capricious whims. |
I do not doubt this, but I still believe on a whole outside of some crazy religious BS, there is still only so much damage even Trump can do that is long term or permanent. The thing is it still stands that it takes way more than just the one federal office to make any real permanent change to the US and while Trump will be a cancer if he gets in the seat again, I still feel that it would also spell the doom for the Republican party. Anyway he still have a lot of court cases to muddle through so lets see how things continue to develop.