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RolStoppable said:
burninmylight said:

Thank you for reminding me about Switch Sports; I forgot that one even exists. I thought of RFA, but figured that like Wii Sports Resort, a sequel would mostly attract people who already have the console, not potential new customers. Funny that you didn't mention Nintendogs, where the 3DS sequel sold like a sixth of the original. It was so popular of a launch title that it helped Nintendo slash the price of the system four months later.

F-Zero has a critic score of 89 and a user score of 8.7 on Metacritic. I'm sorry if you couldn't get past the second race in story mode. EDIT: almost forgot about your other low-hanging sore anus I mean fruit, that being F-Zero going online. You must have completely missed F-Zero 99, an entirely online version of the SNES game. It currently has an 8.4 rating on Metacritic among 74 user ratings and is still supported. Is that the "the long waiting times from one race to the next" and online bullshit you're referring to?

Never said that new games aren't important. I just don't think there are any last big blockbusters for the Switch at this point. Every release now is for the massive install base and to show that the current console won't be left out in the wilderness to rot like many Nintendo consoles of the past.

I didn't mention Nintendogs because it has no Switch game yet, so it wouldn't work to refute your stupid claim that its audience is content with smartphones now; I didn't mention Wii Fit U and Wii Sports Club from the same generation either, because it's pointless to talk about these games when it's abundantly clear that Nintendo did its best to push these gamers away, or pretty much anyone who liked the Wii, as can be seen by the low sales of the Wii U. Nintendogs on the 3DS wasn't the reason for the early price cut of the system, it was the 3D feature of the hardware and the software drought that tanked its sales, hence why Nintendo eating the cost of 3D along with a steadier release schedule fixed the 3DS for the most part; eventually they did release hardware revisions without the 3D though. Or in short, your sales analyses are off the mark.

F-Zero GX being a disappointing game is not because of its difficulty; I beat the entire game on all difficulty settings twice, something that hardly anyone else can say, so I know what I am talking about; it also didn't sell well which is why F-Zero is dormant to begin with. I am not impressed at all by F-Zero 99's numbers on Metacritic, because it's a free addition to NSO for people who already paid for the service anyway; 74 user ratings is a very, very low number for a game that 20m+ users have access to; compare that to 47 user ratings for Another Code Recollection, a total niche game that people had to pay full price for because it released last month.

You didn't mention Nintendogs or the Wii U games because they contradict what you're saying. And c'mon man, we both know I didn't literally mean Nintendogs is the reason the 3DS received the early price cut; I was making a point that the roughly 24 million people who bought in on DS weren't there for the 3DS sequel, and Nintendo banked on that.

I'm not playing this game where you choose which of my words you want to take literally, and which you want to interpret in whatever manner fits your agenda. At least with Norion, I asked for clarification and acknowledged what he could have meant in reply before you decided to apply your own interpretation and run with it. You've been on this site, lurking in each thread waiting to pounce on any post you can rip apart in an attempt at a public display of humiliation since before I joined, and I'm kinda over it. So fine, you're right. You win. There you go. Bye now.