Shtinamin_ said:
Not worth the conversation. One reason, why I'm not getting in to this right now. What franchises can Nintendo release that'll help the Switch in it's last year? Or does it even need to release anything? |
Then why did you reply to it? Yeah, I accidentally used your username, but you're pretty reasonable and knew who I meant.
To answer your question, I don't think any of those IPs really move the needle that gets Switches off of shelves. They'd sell to the existing fanbase. Rhythm Heaven is forever niche. A brand new DK is a maybe, but that screams "Switch 2 launch window" to me. I don't think the Switch Sports and Nintendog crowd is coming back in force anymore; they have smartphones now.
The only thing I can think of at the moment that might capture some buzz and set the gaming world on fire would be the return of F-Zero, either a brand new one or F-Zero GX ReFalconed. It's always been a niche IP itself, but the first game in two decades of a beloved franchise wouldn't go unnoticed and I can see it getting some lapsed fans to get a console to play it, especially now that online matchmaking and ranking is a thing.