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Norion said:
burninmylight said:

Outside of accurately estimating sales potential, why would it have been able to produce more stock by waiting until November to launch it? How does that make the number of available Switch units higher?

Doing so would have invited the risk of the pre-launch momentum dying down after an extra half-year and would have made it more difficult to make accurate sales projections. Which is more valuable data, actual sales and units shipped, or projections based on past console performance and Internet hype?

Sorry but I genuinely have no idea what you're asking me or what exactly you're arguing here.

Let's say I run a lemonade stand.

One day, I'm going to happen to have about 15 customers over the course of that day, but I don't know that yet. I can't produce enough lemonade for 15 customers in one day. I only have enough lemonade for about five of them when I first open. Which is better, me selling out the lemonade that I have and asking those customers who are currently in line to wait while I go make more, or not selling to any of them and asking them all to wait while I go make more? The latter won't help me to produce lemonade any faster; I still can only do what I can with my two hands and feet.

Either way, when I come back with more lemonade, I still don't have enough for everybody. Only now, some people will have left the line because they ain't got time to wait, and some people will be annoyed because they waited and still won't get their cup. So is it really better for my business to wait until later to start selling when the end result is the same? With the former, at least some people are satisfied, and I've pocketed some revenue.