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Machiavellian said:
SanAndreasX said:

Congress never punishes Trump for anything. They'd sit by silently on this one.

Trump wanted to use active duty military to fire on the DC protesters in June 2020. Did Congress do anything? No. It took Mark Esper and Mark Miliey, Trump's civilian and military advisers, disobeying his orders. And when this came out on Facebook, Trump supporters were demanding they be jailed for disobeying direct orders from the Commander-in-Chief. 

What the Trump presidency taught us was how weak the system of checks and balances really is. As long as just 34 Senators out of 100 are willing to back his plays, the President can do anything he wants with impunity. A lot of Trump's excesses were curbed by sabotage from employees of the Executive Branch who knew that his actions might trigger widespread violence.

What I mean is that in order to get any of those items done, you need to pass laws in order to make it happen.  Getting both House and Senate to pass those laws unless the GOP can take control of both house and Senate and also defeat a fillibuster is probably not going to happen.  Its like the wall, its good for talking points but getting it done is something totally different.

Really, Trump did not really do anything that last outside of the tax breaks but then again that was when the GOP had control.  I just do not see that happening for either President this cycle.

It tarnished the image of the US, possibly beyond repair. That's a pretty deep lasting impression in my books