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The reason why console manufacturers target the holiday season for console launches is because it works as a safety net. Even if the launch isn't smooth, the gift-giving season is bound to provide a sales boost; this is why even the disastrous Wii U was able to manage to ship more than 3m units during its launch quarter. The other big factor is that a lot of people come together for Christmas, so there's bound to be more first-hand exposure to a new console than there would be at a different time of the year, and this exposure usually creates more post-launch demand.

Overall though, all the decades of video game history have made it clear that the launch timing isn't all that important. A well-executed system will do well regardless and a flawed system will come down to dangerous levels of sales also regardless of a holiday launch or not.

Legend11 correctly predicted that GTA IV will outsell Super Smash Bros. Brawl. I was wrong.