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If the Switch 2 is backwards compatible (it should be, but fingers still crossed), that means that some Switch games should continue to sell even after the Switch 2 comes out. That being said, I don't see any other games likely to cross the 10M mark. The closest to that mark is Mario Maker 2, and it is still a ways off and isn't exactly a perennial title. There's also unlikely to be any new games coming to the Switch that will be capable of selling 10M copies. The few announced upcoming titles are smaller-scale releases.

Even if there aren't any more 10M+ releases, the Switch absolutely shattered records for the number of 10M+ sellers (either first- or third-party) on a single console, with 21 of them in total, fully a third of Nintendo's total 10M+ sellers. I think the PS4 is the system with the second-largest number of 10M+ sellers, but it only has like nine or ten (depending on if Ghost of Tsushima passed 10M copies; it was close at last count). The attach rates for most notable first-party Switch games has been absolutely phenomenal, even by Nintendo standards.

Last edited by Shadow1980 - on 13 February 2024


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